Shredded Crumb Foam 10kg Bag


Shredded crumb foam filler is a great alternative to polyester fibre or feathers, giving it’s resilient and long-lasting nature. We place offcuts through a ‘crumbing machine’, which dices the foam up into much smaller pieces. This is why shredded crumb foam is an incredibly popular choice as a filler for items such as bean bags, pillows, stuffed toys and dog beds, etc.

The foam is made using clean, un-used and high-quality foams of various colours and densities. So, no two bags are going to be the same, however, the quality and durability will be consistent.

We supply this ideal foam filler in 2kg, 5kg  & 10kg bags. So, whether you’re looking to fill a large premium bean bag, or a few smaller, comfortable pillows: you’ll find everything that you need here. But what are the benefits of using shredded crumb foam, as opposed to say: the traditional polystyrene beans?


2kg - Approximately 110L

5kg - Approximately 270L

10kg - Approximately 540L

Silent comfort

There’s no denying that traditional polyester bean bags are comfortable: they are tremendously so. However, they are also incredibly loud. When you’re sat watching a movie and someone is shuffling about on a normal bean bag and trying to get comfortable, it can be terribly frustrating. A bean bag filled with shredded crumb foam on the other hand; twice as much comfort with no noise whatsoever!

Retain its shape

Over time, the polyester beans in a bag will begin to lose their form and flatten. Fortunately, when using shredded crumb foam, you will never have to worry about that. This incredibly durable foam will retain its comfortable and spongey shape, always.


Categories: Foam.